Thursday, December 11, 2008

Our December Meeting

It was great that all the girls were present at our meeting this week. I just want to recap who needs to work on what.

Tayla - you need to work on Manners
Lillie - you need to work on Dancersise and Her Story
Claire - you need to work on Her Story
Hali - you need to work on Dancersise, Her Story and Caring and Sharing

Girls work at these at your own pace along with your moms. As soon as you've completed at lease 3 of the activities have your mother let me know so that you can receive the try-it patches.

Our next try-its we will be working on are Cookie Counts, Art To Wear, and Safety Sense. Please look these over.
YEAH! We have our New Brownie Quest Books. I know many of you will be anxious to write in them but please hold off. We are going to work on this quest together as a group.

Have a wonderful Holiday and I cannot wait till our first meeting in 2009.